If you've ever wanted your computer to be able to turn itself off then you need Downer.
Downer is the solution to forgeting that your computer is on. This handy utillity will automaticly turn off your computer for you if you do not move the mouse or type a key for a CUSTOMISIBLE amount of time.
In case you know that your computer isn't going to be used but you don't want it to turn off you can place the cursor on the bottom of the screen. This also allows for the ability to prevent a shutdown in conjuction with a screensaver "hot corner."
Changes with version 1.5:
Fixed an error that caused Downer to mess-up when closing the Control Panel.
Changes with version 1.4.3:
Fixes a bug which caused Downer not to recognize keys that were typed
Changes with version 1.4:
Fixed a large bug which made the don't shutdown option fail on some computers.
Speed increase
Reduced memory used
Fixed 1 minor bug
In addition if you want a disk of other cool programs send another $5 and a disk to:
Roman Software
3710 Wisteria
Corvallis OR 97330
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